After the big business deals a few weeks ago, things seemed to have died down a bit. There are some small things that have happened, but I couldn't write a whole post about them. So, here are some highlights that have happened recently.
Dick Cook left the Disney company rather suddenly last week(?). He was head of the Disney Studios, which oversees all of Disney's film ventures. This is really surprising because a lot has happened lately that would make that job a really valuable place to be. Pixar just put out another great film (Up), Disney acquired Marvel and all the movies that will be made (kind of...), the fairly recent deal with Dreamworks SKG for many of their upcoming films (I think it was 30), and the continuing of the Pirates franchise. AND MUPPETS! A lot of people are wondering who Mr. Iger will choose to fill the highly coveted position. A lot of eyes are looking toward Rich Ross, the head of the Disney Channel. This is a logical choice in my opinion simply because of the similarity in the industries. An inherent problem exists there though, while High School Musical, Hannah Montana, The Suite Life, and That's so Raven can bring new life to a dying television station. Will they do well on the silver screen? (Don't you DARE cite the HSM movie) Disney has put out some flops lately too... I never saw it, but I don't think "The Race to Witch Mountain" will be getting any oscars... Hopefully this all gets figured out soon. Who do you think should fill this role and why?
Disney is announced their new promotion for 2010, "Work a day of community service, and get a day at Disney World." This is a GREAT move by the people at the marketing department. It gives Disney a great image while still bringing people into the park. No where is it evident that this is really just an incredibly clever ploy to get people into the park and spending money... primarily because park attendance for 2009 is WAY down and they are hurting bad. Damn Recession. All that considered, I am in full support of this and hope that it actually gets some people off of their couch and into the community. What are your thoughts on this, do you think it will be an effective marketing tool? Or do you think that the laziness of people will overpower it.
This one isn't exactly new, but I also don't know much about it. So, I will be brief. At Animal Kingdom there is a new thing going on to adopt Sea Turtle nests. Just another way Disney is providing for nature. The cost is $50 (I think) and the nests are located near the Vero Beach resort. I like when Disney does this kind of stuff, it reminds people of that side of Disney. How, while it is still a HUGE corporation, there is still that wildlife side that seems to have been lost in the years. True Life Adventures and things like that. I actually am part owner of one of these nests :D My turtles haven't hatched yet, but I am excited for when they do!
Thats all I've got...
Until next time!
Edit: Watching the Lion King... Oh yeah, thats why it is STILL one of the highest grossing animated films.
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