Friday, October 16, 2009


It has been almost 2 weeks since my last post! My bad. People were in town, I was out of town, lots of exams.... fun times indeed.

But I am back, so let the disney blogging commence!

I went and saw Toy Story/Toy Story 2 in 3D during the opening weekend, and I have to admit, it was pretty awesome. I Thoroughly enjoyed the addition of a 3D element to these films, it worked perfectly. It seemed in some spots that the original films were designed for it. A scene that really stands out in my mind is in the first movie where Buzz is proving that he can "fly" and he latches onto the toy plane. The 3D effect there was really awesome.
I am really glad that Disney did this, because a lot of the people who will be seeing this movie (children) might not have seen the original films. We are getting to the point where the people who saw these films when they were children are starting to have children of their own and hopefully this, along with Toy Story 3 next June, will bring the two generations together.
From a financial standpoint, this was a big risk. The film needed to make $25 mil to break even. That is production and advertising costs. As of today, according to it is just barely over that number. I think the re-release in 3D wasn't really for the profit, though it is nice to know that it wasn't a loss.
What do you think? Do you think it was the right idea to risk losing a lot of money just to refresh these films in the memory of viewers? Will it pay off in the end?

In an update on another blog post: Rich Ross did in fact get hired on as the new head of Disney Studios. Congrats to him, and I hope he can help revitalize the division to help bring out some quality films.

Thats all for now, I promise the next post I make will be much sooner than this one!

1 comment:

  1. i am so happy they did it.. sad to say though I did not contribute yet by going to see it myself! Didn't they extend it though?
